C2GTalk: ¿Cómo puede la idea de una emergencia planetaria ayudar al mundo a salir de la crisis? con Sandrine Dixson-Declève

6 de diciembre de 2021

Comprender que nos enfrentamos a una emergencia planetaria puede ayudar a países y ciudadanos de todo el mundo a superar nuestras numerosas crisis entrelazadas, afirma Sandrine Dixson-Decleve, copresidenta del Club de Roma durante una entrevista de "C2GTalk". Reunir a los líderes internacionales, nacionales y locales en procesos de gobernanza inclusivos y centrados en las personas puede ayudarnos a emerger hacia un nuevo tipo de civilización.

This interview was recorded on June 29, 2021 and is available with interpretation into 中文, Español, and Français.

Understanding that we face a planetary emergency can help countries and citizens around the world overcome our many interlocking crises, says Sandrine Dixson-Declève, co-president of the Club of Rome during a C2GTalk  interview. Bringing international, national and local leaders into inclusive, people-focused governance processes can help our emergence into a new type of civilization.

Technology has a role to play—if governed properly—but cannot be relied upon to "save" us. In particular, climate-altering approaches like solar radiation modification (SRM) or large-scale carbon dioxide removal (CDR) need governance in order to manage risks. Science and stories are needed to help citizens understand potential futures, and to find a way forward for people, planet and prosperity.

Sandrine Dixson-Declève is currently the co-president of the Club of Rome and divides her time between lecturing, facilitating change in business, and policy models and advisory work. She holds several advisory positions for the European Commission and the United Nations. She sits on the boards of organizations such as BMW, EDP, UCB, Climate KIC, UCL-Bartlett School of Environment, and the IEEP. Dixson-Declève is also a senior associate and faculty member of the Cambridge Institute for Sustainability Leadership (CISL), ambassador, for the Energy Transition Commission (ETC) and WEALL. She co-founded the Women Enablers Change Agent Network (WECAN) and has been recognized by GreenBiz as one of the 30 most influential women across the globe driving change in the low carbon economy and promoting green business.

For more, including an edited transcript, please go to C2G's website.

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