Jonathan Cristol, de la Universidad Adelphi, analiza la decisión de la administración Trump de retirarse del Tratado sobre Fuerzas Nucleares de Alcance Intermedio (INF) y sus posibles efectos en el control internacional de armas. ¿Por qué es un hecho positivo para Putin y Rusia? ¿Están en peligro otros tratados y alianzas?
Adelphi University's Jonathan Cristol discusses the Trump administration's decision to step away from the Intermediate-Range Nuclear Forces Treaty (INF) and its possible effects on international arms control. Why is this a positive development for Putin and Russia? Are other treaties and alliances in danger?
This podcast references two articles on Montenegro and its ascension to NATO, one from Cristol for CNN and one from Carnegie Council Senior Fellow Nikolas Gvosdev for the Ethics & International Affairs blog. For more from Cristol, check out last week's Global Ethics Weekly podcast on the U.S.-Taliban negotiations; his book, The U.S. and the Taliban before and after 9/11; and his website and Twitter account.