C2GTalk: ¿Cómo pueden participar los jóvenes en la gobernanza de los planteamientos que alteran el clima? con Marie-Claire Graf

11 de octubre de 2021

Puede que los jóvenes aún no tengan un puesto en la mesa de toma de decisiones, pero son partes interesadas influyentes con poder para dirigir la dirección del discurso sobre el clima, afirmó Marie-Claire Graf durante una entrevista de "C2GTalk". Mientras trabajan para conseguir ese asiento, están creando capacidad, aprendizaje y concienciación sobre una serie de cuestiones, incluida la gobernanza de los planteamientos que alteran el clima.

This interview was recorded on December 15, 2020, and is also available with interpretation into 中文, Español, and Français.

Young people may not yet have a seat at the decision-making table, but they are influential stakeholders with the power to steer the direction of the climate discourse, said Marie-Claire Graf during a C2GTalk interview. As they work towards getting that seat, they are building capacity, learning and awareness on a range of issues, including the governance of climate-altering approaches.

Marie-Claire Graf is one of the Global Focal Points of YOUNGO, the Children and Youth constituency to United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change. She is a Swiss youth advocate for sustainable development and climate action, and the president of the Swiss Associations of Student Organizations for Sustainability, and vice president at Swiss Youth for Climate. Marie-Claire is a Climate Reality Leader, and co-founder of a crowdsourcing platform startup for aggregated science-based and citizen-science data called C’Square.

For more, including an edited transcript, please go to C2G's website.

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