C2GTalk: ¿Cómo incluir el desarrollo sostenible en los planteamientos que alteran el clima? con Youba Sokona

22 de noviembre de 2021

El contexto importa y, sin claridad sobre las repercusiones que tendrán los planteamientos que alteren el clima desde distintas perspectivas, será difícil abordar las dimensiones éticas y de gobernanza, afirmó Youba Sokona durante una entrevista en "C2GTalk". Subraya la necesidad de investigar no sólo a escala mundial, sino también a nivel nacional y local, donde la vida de las personas se ve afectada.

This interview was recorded on February 24, 2021, and is available with interpretation into 中 文, Español, and Français.

Context matters and without clarity on the impacts that climate-altering approaches will have from different perspectives, it will be difficult to deal with the ethical and governance dimensions, said Youba Sokona during a C2GTalk interview. He highlights the need for research that not only considers the global level, but seeks to understand the national and local levels where people’s lives are impacted.

Sokona has over 40 years of experience addressing energy, environment, and sustainable development in Africa and has been at the heart of numerous national and continental initiatives. Professor Sokona was elected vice chair of the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) in October 2015. Prior to this, he was co-chair of the IPCC Working Group III on the mitigation of climate change for the Fifth Assessment Report after serving as a lead author since 1990. In addition to these achievements, Professor Sokona has a proven track record of organizational leadership and management, for example, as inaugural coordinator of the African Climate Policy Center and as executive secretary of the Sahara and Sahel Observatory.

For more, including an edited transcript, please go to C2G's website.

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