Abordar el reto mundial de gobernar los planteamientos que alteran el clima a través del multilateralismo no sólo es posible, sino necesario, afirma el Embajador Franz Perrez en una entrevista de "C2GTalk". En última instancia, afirma, lo mejor para todos es llegar a un entendimiento común de los riesgos potenciales, las oportunidades y los retos relacionados con los enfoques que alteran el clima.
This interview was recorded on November 13, 2020, and is also available with interpretation into 中文, Español, and Français.
Addressing the global challenge of governing climate-altering approaches through multilateralism is not just possible but necessary, says Ambassador Franz Perrez during a C2GTalk interview. In the end, he says, it is in everyone's best interest to build a common understanding of the potential risks, opportunities, and challenges linked to climate-altering approaches.
Ambassador Franz Perrez is the head of the International Affairs Division at the Swiss Federal Office for the Environment (FOEN). In this capacity, he is also the Swiss ambassador for the environment and represents Switzerland at all important international negotiations in the area of the environment.
For more, including an edited transcript, please go to C2G's website.