Global Ethics Weekly: Americans & Putin's Russia, with Nikolas Gvosdev

Sep 6, 2018

Senior Fellow Nikolas Gvosdev looks at the reasons for the growing favorability ratings towards Putin's Russia among a certain segment of the American population. Is this a function of Trump's personal affection for the Russian president? Or, as has been seen in France and other European nations, are there deeper cultural and political connections?

Senior Fellow Nikolas Gvosdev looks at the reasons for the growing favorability ratings towards Putin's Russia among a certain segment of the American population. Is this a function of Trump's personal affection for the Russian president? Or, as has been seen in France and other European nations, are there deeper cultural and political connections?

This podcast contains an excerpt from Jean-Yves Camus, political analyst and an associate research fellow at the French Institute for International and Strategic Affairs, from the June 2018 "Russian Soft Power in France" event with Senior Fellow Marlene Laruelle. And it references polls from the Pew Research Center and Gallup.

The podcast also references this June 2018 panel with George Mason University's Professor Colin Dueck.

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