L to R: Nikolas Gvosdev, Adrian A. Basora, Maia Otarashvili. CREDIT: Amanda Ghanooni.
L to R: Nikolas Gvosdev, Adrian A. Basora, Maia Otarashvili. CREDIT: Amanda Ghanooni.

Democracy Promotion in the Age of Trump

May 22, 2018


In this panel Adrian Basora makes a strong case for democracy as not only promoting American values but also serving U.S. interests, while Maia Otarashvili gives a frightening overview of the rise of "illiberal values" (Viktor Orbán's phrase) in the Eurasia region. Basora and Otarashvili are co-editors of "Does Democracy Matter? The United States and Global Democracy Support" and Nikolas Gvosdev is one of the contributors.

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